I am a left-leaning registered Independent, and I have very much purposefully searched out reasonable "righties", which led me to the Bulwark some time ago. It is refreshing to listen to people like yourself, Tom Nichols, Charlie, and others, who are obviously trying to stand up for actual Conservative principles. That being said - we're still on the edge, and we all have a work cut out for us. And I'm not sure that John Bolton is exactly a beacon of truth and reasonableness...

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As someone whose current job prevents him from attending most, if not all, political events, but who is very interested in the proceedings of Principles First, will there ever be a transcript, video, or other details of the conference released at a later date?

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"Unhappy with how Americans exercise their freedom, CPAC now aims to limit it. That isn’t America First because it isn’t America at all."

What a perfect summary of the thinking from the right - if democracy leads to a result we don't agree with, we're still right, everyone else is wrong and we must impose our views at all costs.

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All the best to Principles First. It will take a strong, aggressive counter narrative and torch bearers to counter the MAGA/America First/Carnival/Star Wars bar faction of the GOP. We need Principles First to be successful for effective governance.

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Excellent Heath! I can't make it this year but I'm there in spirit. Let's make Principles First the political conference to go to!

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